Aan de slag in de wereld van chiropractie.


Are you interested to work in the Netherlands? We have an expathelpdesk to assist you with questions about working and living in the Netherlands. For more general information about working in the Netherlands you can visit the website of the imigration and naturalisation sevices. For questions about available vacancies you can contact the NCA


Jarryd Else

Hi there, my name is Jarryd. I work as a chiropractor at Sanos Rugzorg here in the Netherlands. I finished my studies in South Africa in 2016 before coming to the Netherlands in 2018. Only when looking back did I realise how tough it can be moving to another country, being exposed to a new culture and learning a new language. With help from the NCA I found my place within the Netherlands quite quickly. The NCA has helped me with every step along the way. Whether it be with the language or in the treatment room they have always been ready for my questions

If you need any help or having any questions with regards to working as a chiropractor in the Netherlands, please drop me an email


Rebecca Berry

When I decided to further my chiropractic career in The Netherlands, it was important for me to be a member of an association that upholds the scientific evidence based practice care model that I implement in practice.

Having been a member of the NCA for over two years now, I am continually impressed by how the association strives to not only better educate the public and medical professions of the benefits of chiropractic care but also placing strong emphasis on research opportunities and growth of the profession within Europe.

For any questions related to moving to The Netherlands be that, visa requirements, opening a Dutch bank account and all the other administration requirements as well as recommended Dutch courses and resources you can start with while you are still abroad, feel free to contact me at Rebecca@chiropractietielzutphen.nl


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